Computational Thinking is a thought process used to formulate a problem and express its solutions in such a way that a human or technology can effectively carry out.

Now that everyone is relying more and more on technology in workplaces, businesses, social lives, and even entertainment, problem-solving using Computational Thinking proves to be the ultimate transferable skill to have!

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Decomposition: Breaking down a big problem into small, manageable parts

Pattern Recognition: Observing similarities and patterns in these smaller parts, to help us solve complex problems more efficiently

Abstraction: Identifying and extracting the important parts of the problem

Algorithm: Creating the step-by-step instructions of solving the problem

Jeanette M. Wing, a veteran in this field, highlighted the need to make computational thinking as fundamental to education as reading, writing and arithmetic.

"Computational thinking is a way humans solve problems; it is not trying to get humans to think like computers. Computers are dull and boring; humans are clever and imaginative. We humans make computers exciting."


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#1: Computational Thinking is about coding and programming.

Computational Thinking is the logic and skillset behind Coding and Programming, including the ability to decompose, recognise patterns, abstract, and algorithmise!

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#2: I have to use technology to learn Computational Thinking.

Computational thinking is a soft, transferable skill that isn’t strictly tied to technology and computers.

It’s a problem-solving skill that can be learnt using offline activities and applied to everyday problems.

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#3: Computational Thinking is only for older kids.

According to various education experts, ages 4 to 7 is an appropriate time to pick up Computational Thinking.

You will notice a change in their thinking and mindset after picking up Computational Thinking.

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Starts As Young

As Age 4

Kids begin to develop a sense of self around age 4, and are able to grasp and absorb the concepts of Computational Thinking.

Research has found that picking up Computational Thinking between the ages of 4 to 7 can set a strong foundation for future learning and development.

With a foundation, your little one can then make better use of opportunities in Primary education to develop their skills.



Technology is everywhere in our lives. With our society's increased reliance on digitisation, it is even more important to understand the concepts behind communicating with technology.


Computational Thinking influences almost every field of study and work. It helps your little one view the world in a new lens, and affords them a smoother transition into formal education where there are various initiatives to develop Computational Thinking.